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UIC Railway Handbook 2016

The production of the Railway Handbook 2016 has been an important opportunity to strengthen the collaboration between the IEA and the UIC. This relationship has served to enrich and improve the knowledge of activity, energy and emissions data associated with the railway sector. The previous editions of the Handbook are freely available from the UIC website.

Rail Standards in India

It shows the list of rail standards used in India, for example NFPA 130: Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems.

European Standard for Rail Fastenings for Heavy Axle Loads

This paper describes the development of European standard EN13481-8, which sets out the performance requirements for rail fastenings which are to be used on tracks carrying trains with heavy axle loads i.e. axle loads greater than 260kN. The standard takes particular account of proposals to run such trains on track aligned for faster lighter trains. The critical loading case arises when heavy freight trains travel at low speeds on curves for which the super-elevation and rail pad resilience have been selected to suit fast passenger trains.
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